Dr. Krishnan Gireesh Clinical Psychologist
1 min readJul 1, 2021
Dr. Krishnan Gireesh Clinical Psychologist
Founder Chairman (MAP-Mental Health Action by People)
- Past President — Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists, the national organization of the Clinical Psychology in Indian.
- More than 30 years in the fields of Practise and Training, Psychotherapy and Psycho-Social Management.
- Played a very proactive role in developing psychosocial models of human resource scenario in India
- Proven leadership credentials at state-level and national level, along with established academic excellence and global experience and expertise in behavioral science.
- Project cordinator in Various National & International Levels including National Mental Health Mission, India
- Faculty in clinical psychology including Medical college, Thriuvananehapuram & Cristian Medical college, Vellore National faculty-Child development centre (UNICEF)
- Advisor on Panel on several national & international body including CBSE,NCERT,National Disaster Management,Family court,National mental Health program(MSP),NBE
- Invited Speaker & trainer in International conferences & workshops on PsychoTherapy & behavioral Sciences Including Turkey, Nepal,Paris, France, Uk,USA,Nimhans,ETC
- Publications including hundreds Research papers on Psychotherapatics Management & book son counselling skills